Tuesday, July 13, 2010

i have been in love with a girl for 2 years now and i need some help
and please don't tell me to get over her because that's what i hear from everybody and i got news for ya...I cant, i love her so much that if im not near her im sad but when i talk to her im soo happy that i just loose my sense of sadnes that clenches my life every day
i would die for her
and yet nobody takes me seriously beacause ppl think im a playboy well
i know i love her she knows it too and yet she doesnt feel the same way ( she is not mean about she is supportive but she just doesnt like me) but just tell me what do i do to get her with me
im telling u she is the love of my life and i cant live without her

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What do girls look for in Guys...to all my friends who fail having a relationship

• The girls look for guys who are cute, funny, good looking, smart and can make them (girls) laugh and feel good about themselves (girls).
• Confidence is the most important key, that you have respect for yourself! You can be dumb, ugly, living with your mom, broke or a simply a complete jerk. but this perhaps is about 80%-95% of what all women look for (confidence). everything else is just bonus points
• The ability to take care of themselves. Usually this where money comes to play, but really if you looks like you able take care of yourself they will think that you has the ability to take care of them (the girls).
• A certain physical attraction. You doesn't have to be a movie actor. Everyone is attracted to different things but the usually they all cue in a single feature they find unique and sexy. You really don't have to be much control over this, so just take care of yourself and be confident in everything you do.
• Confidence, money, and your good looks, your style and body language. It will be easy to pick up girls if you fit in any of those 3 types, but if you are a wacky guy to hang out with, then you are probably dumped, well except for the gold diggers. Girls are irresistable towards me because I make the girls laugh, they just cannot resist.
• ??? a good friends of mine, He is not the best looking guys among us and neither the fittest one, He is a bit on the shy side, but the girl which everyone pretty much considered not bad and innocent once said she'd like to go out with him, since she liked him the most.(be confident to yourself)
• With an exception to a very few good posts, the others are enough to scare any guy off! like SV a good friend of mine. Yup, she is woman and very proud of it! Each woman is so different that it's hard to define this question. There are the gold diggers, smuts, cheaters, sneaks, and the nice girls that you don't have to sweat bullets over!
• The perfect man to the girls has to be attractive. I define attractive as a man who could have sparkling blue eyes and a great jovial nature. He doesn't have to have the perfect body or the perfect face. An independent woman, If she like you, She really don't care what her friends think as far as his looks. A man that surprises girls with even one flower just to say, "I love you." Someone that can make them (the girls) laugh and laughs with them (the girls). Someone that isn't being something you aren't to impress her. The girls like good down home, honest, "what you see is what you get" type of men. A man that is interesting to talk too, yet realizes She bright and have topics she like to talk about and she's interested in what the girls have to say. A man that is loyal, no game playing and the girls do like a man that is on the shy side. Sometimes I find men that are too confident too blasted smooth

• It's difficult to say what women want in a man, because just like men are all different, so are women. Even personality-wise, some personality characteristics may be attractive to one woman, but irritating to another. Just focus on being yourself, and you'll find a woman who is attracted to you, not just some general, pseudo-you version of yourself that you've concocted to attract female carbon-based units.
• Girls always say and hint to the opposite of what they really want. If the girls say something and are laughing, the girls probably mean the opposite. Unless of course they are truly disgusted, and are not smiling at all. That is a huge stop sign. The girls don't want to say it, but they really do want you to hold them (the girls) and tell them what you want from them. Girls definitely want you to make the first move. If you're on a date, and she's laughing most of the time, move closer. If she doesn't back off away from you, try touching her knee. Then move your hand to the thigh, and hold. If you're not getting a negative reaction, its a very good sign. She'll probably be talking (because even when the girls get what they want, they might still get nervous. And so when they talk.). Listen to her. That way you can leave a comment on what she has to say! Make good eye contact with her. Try moving your head closer to hers, and when there's a break in the conversation, move in for the kiss.
• Nothing is better than a guy who is honest and confident in the way that he speaks. A guy with confidence can take even the dumbest pick up line and make it funny, but if you're nervous and you approach a girl with a pick up line, you might just come off as unoriginal, or a geek. For instance, normally girls don't like guys who touch them if they don't know you that well, but if a guy is smooth about it, there's something intriguing about it. If you shaking or looks really timid, then its very creepy, and a major turn off. Smiling is the key. Even if you're dead serious, say everything you have to say in a playful way. That's the way to flirt and girls love a flirt. (Learn from me and you’ll never regret it…lolxxx)
• Respect, a good listener, someone who shows up on time and a few shared interests. Good hygiene is also a bonus. The occasional box of chocolates also goes down well.
• Most girls want a guy who is at least somewhat attractive. Not that plain-looking guys like me never get dates, but it is true that girls are usually more interested in good-looking guys. Girls like guys to be caring and sensitive (not overly so -- more like, you know when to quit doing something girls don't like, or you can pick up on how girls feeling, which is easier said than done). Strength (physical and mental/emotional), confidence (but not arrogance -- huge egos are the biggest turn offs for girls!), and just a desire to be around girls. Never push them or make them compromise about where they'll go physically. They (girls) will see you as jerks and get out ASAP. Especially for Alex…lolxxx
• Different girls have different tastes. Don't be shy. If you (guys) likes someone, you should definitely flirt like me. Be playful. Being flirty is fun, but being flirty with everyone will probably scare a girl away because that may cause problems in the future. Just limit yourself to flirting with the girl you really like and don't be shy about asking a girl out especially Alex. No risks means no results. Asking her out will show her you have courage and you aren't afraid of showing your feelings. Girls want someone that will always be there for them, so listen to them, give opinions, help them out through hard times. They want to feel beautiful. They want a guy that will always think she is beautiful, even all sweaty in her PE clothes. (trust me…I’ve been through this)
• It is nice to have things in common, but having things not in common isn't bad either. It gives you a chance to see different points of view and learn new things.
• Having good looks will definitely catch a girl's eye quicker, but that's not necessarily a good thing. You want a girl to love who you really are, not a girl that is only in love with your looks. (so Alex, be confident to yourself)
• Being funny is a good thing because everyone loves to have a laugh. Being serious is a good thing, too. So what I mean is a balance of everything is good. No one has a perfect balance, so that's okay. Just look at your best qualities and see how you can use them. (I mastered it)lolxxx
• Girls like a guy who makes her feel really special. Always be romantic in the relationship no matter how long you have going out. Show her that you care. Always listen to her when she has problems. Never be judgmental. Go out of your way to make yourself look nice. Try to plan special things that you can do together. If you are really interested in her don't flirt or look at other girls… This could make her think that you do not like her and she will find someone else. Consider her feelings and try to take things slow never move too fast. Last but not least be yourself. This is what makes a girl like you in the first place. You should never try to change to get a girl to like you.
• I live in Malaysia, Penang, and I have noticed something very interesting about girl's tastes through extensive hours of observation and experience. Most of them (especially the snooty ones (high class one) who frequent trendy clubs) like guys who have dark hair and dark skin but not curly hair like me. (The darker the better, since white apparently seems to be a sign of a person being unhealthy...or at least ugly anyway. I guess darker skin is more camera friendly and it is obvious everyone wants to be in pictures or movies). A blond guy might have a chance as long as his skin is not too pasty white. If you are a blond guy and are pale white you are almost surely doomed unless you get a good suntan or you use Just For Men in your hair too bring yourself "up-to-par" with a normal average guy. Girls also seem to like the guys who have all the right things to say and at the right time. (I presume this a learned behavior from the obsession of television and major motion pictures.) They want a guy who will be the best entertainer and the best looking one at that. Also, women, in general, like guys who got tummy to give them comfort. So if you don't have any tummy, you drastically narrow down your chances of picking up on a woman. It makes me wonder what would happen if guys evolved having tummy. I'm sure a lot of things would change and at least the superficiality of body shapes will be eliminated.
• When guys make girls laugh. When guys are gentle and romantic like me. Good looking guys who aren't jerks. Guys who do drugs definitely turn them off!!!…..as do guys who are full of themselves or really bad chat up lines unless they can make a joke out of it.
• Girls look for guys to be compassionate, caring, understanding, hard working, personable, with a great smile, a good listener, and most of all a great lover.
• Girls sometimes like blond/yellow brown skin like me. You have to be funny and the girls like confidence, but not someone that is always showing off or arrogant. They have to know how to make girls feel good, like actually talk to them and ask loads of questions about them.
• Good looks are like a job resume. Presentation is everything and it gets you in the door. After that, just like at a job, what's lacking can kill and negate good looks.
• What girls look for in a guy is someone that is nice, sweet and a non cheater. I think every girl will agree with me on this one hopefully.

• It all depends on the individual girl. Sense of humor and a good smile! All women love it when a man smiles (doesn't matter if his teeth are crooked or not! Well, this is my opinion, Sweet. Confidence in themselves (but not to where the guy is and/or appears conceited!), cares and respects the other and themselves, romantic, straightforward, honest, truthful, being themselves (not acting like someone else), Not the play type, faithful, trustworthy and most of all, has a great personality!
• Most girls like a guy that doesn't have a huge ego and loves himself. We also like a funny guy like me who will pay attention to the girls. Girls don't like guys that ask a lot of questions about life (i.e., "What do you think about trust?" or "what do you think about promises?" and "Why do you think we live?").like Alex…Accurate leh…haha
• one last thing mind. Guys please remember, its OK to date more than one girl at once. Just don't forget to tell them…it works for me…
• Don't worry about the way you look too much. The guys that girls have fallen for have definitely not been Tom Cruise, but if you gave girls a choice between an absolute hunk and the guy they like now, they’d absolutely go for the latter. Moreover, I've noticed that when a man describes a woman they tend to go for a body description first whereas a woman tends to describe the face. The reason for this, in terms of how I see things, is that I, personally, don't care much about what a girl's body but girls face is like, as long as there is something there for me to hold onto when I want a hug, so don't worry about that either.
Please, please, if you like a girl, tell her or make it quite obvious, because if a girl thinks you might like her but doesn't know for sure she will obsess over it and over analyze everything you do or say.
• If I showed you some of the girls I've fallen for...well, LOL, they don't exactly match my "perfect girls". Just be yourself and don't make them feel too special. Hold it back a bit because girls kind of like a challenge and it feels more special if they get a compliment only once in a while instead of every five seconds.
• There really is no right or wrong answer. You should ask that question to the girl you're interested in.
• A guy with great confidence and someone that makes girls laugh. In terms of appearance, I personally don't feel looks is a major thing. That what old saying: Girls look pretty when they young but they become very ugly when they old.
• A genuine lover. Someone who is genuinely interested in them and who will be kind caring interesting to be around.
• Guys with nice curly hair. A good laugh. Someone who is not too cocky and is perfect choice like me…wuahahaha
• What girls look for in a guy would be how funny and nice he is…like me…
• Each girl has different tastes! Some girls go for looks, some go for personality, some go for money, some go for tummy and some go for bad boys.
• Well I like this one girl. She's from Alor Setar and she's cute. When I went out with her friends and her, she kept staring at me and she's really cute and so innocent, but the girl who's right for you would like you for who you are. So don't try to be something you're not, that's not what she does. She's just herself. That's the main thing.
• A girl wants a guy to be funny, smart, sensitive, and attractive. (attractive takes a lot of explaining.)
• Be yourself! Be confident! The last thing girls want is a guy who barely talks and looks away when they look at you.